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Showing posts from October, 2022

Read, Retell, Revise: a Three-Fold Method for Motivating the Reluctant Reader in Your Classroom

  I always start my English lessons by reading to my pupils from the many picture books my own kids have acquired throughout the years. It is fun, and I manage to capture the attention of every kid in the class. Well, not every time. But for the most part. Who doesn't like listening to a good story?  The brilliant thing about these picture books is that they hide "big words" under the cloak of whimsical and humorous stories. For instance, an all-time-favourite in my classroom is Click, Clack, Moo. Cows that Type , a series of surreal and hilarious events in a farmer's life. His cows demand electric blankets , because it is too cold in the barn, but he refuses - so the cows go on strike and issue an ultimatum . I won't give away the whole story, but you can guess what I mean by big words . Not to mention the anachronistic delights when the sight of a typewriter brought up a whole discussion about obsolete objects; and a philosophical debate about the animals'...